FREE KNIT & CROCHET PATTERN :: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket

I am making a correction to yesterday’s blog post; and let me add, I lost a contact last week. GAH! I’ve been visually challenged, having an impossible time seeing to type, and my standby glasses are of little help here. I just let my fingers to teh talking and hoped for the best.

I’m changing things up a bit. As some of you know, I’m a dyed in the cotton Doily Artist. yeah, humbling, ain’t it? LOL!

I was previewing my many newsletter subscriptions in my Inbox, when I spied this beauty, and had to look.

I chanced upon this FREE PATTERN on and really liked the lines-and did I mention, it’s FREE?

I’m not a huge fan of crochet garments. I’ve made a number of tabards in the past, loved the warmth, the simplicity, how fast they would work up. A dear friend gave me a pattern so easy that to this day, I still remember how to make it.

Since I’ve taken up knitting in the past 2 years, this pattern turned my head; the diamond pattern and loose draping is very comfortable to the eye.  Intermediate skill is required for this

For sheer elegance, this one is a great addition to any wardrobe!

Happy day, I just discovered that the original picture I posted yesterday (and am updating today) is for the KNITTED version! YIPPY SKIPPY, I KNEW I LIKED THIS ONE FOR A REASON!

Without further adeu, I give you: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket instructions

My replacement contacts just arrived at the Dr’s office; they called just at closing, so I wasn’t able to go pick them up-I am going over there tomorrow, first thing! No more visually challenged blog posts!

2 responses to “FREE KNIT & CROCHET PATTERN :: Xian Knit Kimono Jacket”

  1. Hello, Sonia! I’ve updated this post with the knit AND crochet version; I just discovered my error while re-reading the newsletter~ 🙂

  2. De Coster Sonia Avatar
    De Coster Sonia

    Woow, this is lovely, i’ll put the pattern straight to my extern disc, so i can’t loose it.


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